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Saturday, January 9, 2010
Posted by pop

How to Improve Your Leadership Skills in Life and Business
If your life's purpose is close or similar to become someone that the word Leader would fairly represent then you should be very concentrated on where you need to focus on more. If your focus is on how to get more people to follow you then you have to change your mindset. Your focus instead should be on How To grow yourself as a person and ultimately become the one that others will follow as a result of the Law of Attraction.

Posted by pop

Eye Body Language - How to Use Eye Body Language to Build Trust and Be Liked
Of all the nonverbal communication signals, eye body language is probably the most fascinating. Your eyes pretty much reveal your inner thoughts and feelings. Even more amazing is the fact that you can use eye body language to build trust and make people like you.

Posted by pop

Body and Mind in Public Speaking
Connection between the mind, body and voice is beneficial for effective public speaking. Feeling confident and strong in both voice and body will free the mind to ensure a good performance.The voice is an extremely powerful tool in establishing a favorable outcome when making presentations or delivering speeches. The effectiveness of a good, strong and clear voice is undeniable.

Posted by pop

Helping You Improve Your English Vocabulary:
According to statistics, about 1,500,000,000 people in the world speak English and another 1,000,000,000 are learning it. Learning the English vocabulary can be difficult because there are always exceptions to the rules and the language is punctuated with many abbreviations and colloquialisms. However, if you do choose to study English, then there are simple exercises that you can follow to make learning easier.

Posted by pop

How to Improve the Management Teams Wins for Winning More Business :
Management can create more wins by focusing on developing the people skills necessary to conduct business. With a click of the mouse, your satisfied client can leave to become someone else's satisfied client. Learn why this strategy can deliver more wins for your business management team.

Posted by pop

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